Help Your Congregation Fight The Drift... and Double Your Impact!

Check our samples of our sermon transcripts, daily devotional, and small group videos.

Double Your Impact!

Do you want to increase your influence and double your impact within your church and local community? Have you been looking for ways to grow (or regrow) your congregation after recent years?

Developed by Pastor Steve Robinson of Church of the King, Extraordinary Living is more than a book. It’s a spiritual growth campaign that has been carefully designed to make it easy for you to facilitate growth and double your impact. Pastor Steve brings more than twenty years of experience in creating these campaigns, which include free resources for pastors and ministry leaders, including:

  • •   Weekly sermon transcripts
  • •   Small group videos and manuscripts
    •   Study guides to accompany the Extraordinary Living daily devotional

Why Spiritual Growth Campaigns Work

Spiritual Growth Campaigns focus on God’s Word so your people can be transformed to be more like Jesus. Spiritual Growth Campaigns work because they are all about church wide alignment.

  • Intentional teaching—Center your teaching on a single spiritual-growth theme.

  • Intentional programs—Reinforce the biblical theme with weekend sermons, small group studies, and personal devotions and reflection.

  • Intentional congregation—Align adults and students.

Spiritual Growth Campaigns provide teaching in multiple learning styles: hearing, watching, discussing, writing, and reading. This meets the individual learning styles of each person and creates reinforcements the teaching. At Church of the King, campaigns have been the premier tool for reaching unbelievers, connecting them in small groups, communicating biblical truth, and mobilizing people for ministry—all for the global glory of God.

We have seen our church and influence grow exponentially for almost two decades due to spiritual growth campaigns. Harness the power of these resources to galvanize your church, grow your leaders, and build powerful infrastructure.

Take Your Next Steps!

Check our samples of our sermon transcripts, daily devotional, and small group videos.

Pastor steve

About Pastor Steve

Steve Robinson is a pastor, speaker, and author with a ministry of thousands across six physical Church of the King locations, an online campus, and Hope Today radio and television broadcasts. He is a graduate of Tulane University, holds a master’s degree from King’s Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida.

Pastor Steve serves on the boards of Equip, a worldwide leadership organization led by John Maxwell, and Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the author of Extraordinary Living, Simple Prayer, and Hope Again.

Pastor Steve’s passion is to see people who are far from God reached and discipled into fully-devoted followers of Christ. He and his wife, Jennifer, live in a suburb of New Orleans, Louisiana and are blessed with four children—Isabelle, Conrad, William, and Annaliese.

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